1991年北海道札幌で育つ、亡くなった祖父のカメラを受け継ぎそこからカメラをスタート、本職でもあるアパレルのバイヤー兼、web撮影等をしつつ傍らアーティストやモデル、DJ等の撮影やMV 撮影、北海道室蘭での滞在型フォトコンテスト撮りフェスではコンテスト初のダブル受賞をし、東京、大阪、札幌と数々の展示を経験した後に札幌では初のpizza屋で写真展という異例の個展を開催、大盛況に終わりその後国内のトップのレベルを経験したく、2018年バックパック一つだけ持ち東京に進出。
デジタルアート施設のteamLab で働きつつ、国内様々な場所での依頼に各地を飛び廻り撮影をする。現在は英語の勉強中で海外での写真を視野にいれながら写真の為に生きてます。

Born and raised in Hokkaido, Japan, Shimakura got into photography as his late grandfather’s camera was passed on to him. While working in the apparel industry, he took photos of and for some artists, models, and DJs and also took part in filming some music videos.

When he participated in the Muroran Photo Festival 2017 in Hokkaido, Shimakura won two awards in the same event, which was a first in the competition. Wanting to showcase his works, he has held a number of photo exihibitions in major cities of Japan such as Tokyo, Osaka, and Sapporo.

Hungry for further success in the field, Shimakura made a big decision of leaving his hometown in 2018 and set a new, bigger stage for himself in Tokyo.

Currently, he works for one of the biggest digital art facilities run by teamLab and goes all across the country to take photos whenever he’s not working.

This year, he has decided to start learning English in order to better explain his works to a wider audience around the world. “I devote each day and night, my whole life to photography,” Shimakura says. His passion for photography knows no limits, and he continues to pursuit his dreams and goals everyday.